Ralitsa Karieva


UNICEF Bulgaria

Кампании и инициативи


Since 2009, I have completed multiple translations commissioned by UNICEF Bulgaria. The majority of documents and texts I work with concern different awareness and fundraising campaigns and joined projects aimed at improving the situation and quality of life of Bulgarian children currently placed in residential care - their full deinstitutionalization through adoption, foster care, sheltered housing, and other measures. As I am personally a supporter of UNICEF’s values and principles, these translations have been more than just work, they have been an inspiration as well.

Преводите за УНИЦЕФ България не са просто работен ангажимент, а и вдъхновение. Макар и различни като специфична тематика, те са обединени от обща кауза, която искрено подкрепям и намирам изключително важна за всеки гражданин на съвременния свят.

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