Ralitsa Karieva


Website Localization

Превод на уебсайтове


This is a service that involves a different kind of creativity and an extreme sense of your own language and public perceptions. It is as rewarding as it is difficult, because of the constant awareness of the ever growing pool of users that will potentially resort to the translation. My services in this respect are accurate and always endeavor to capture both the proper Bulgarian language and the language of today's web users.

Website localization is more or less a synthesis of the target language and culture and does require a major shift of perspective. I can proudly say that I have achieved a high level of professionalism in this respect and am happy to offer a quality service into Bulgarian.

Локализацията и преводът на уебсайтове са основани на познаване в дълбочина на българския език и умение за максимален контрол и наситеност на изказа.

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A work sample will be available soonRalitsa Karieva - Website Localization

Looking for an English-Bulgarian translator? This is what I can do for you.

Търсите английско-български преводач? Ето какво мога да направя за вас.