Ralitsa Karieva


Brand Names & Linguistic Analysis

Брандове и езиков анализ


What I count under this heading is a complex and very culture specific process of taking one brand name and literally measuring it against the Bulgarian background. What I offer is a comprehensive service involving actual translation of a brand name into Bulgarian but also taking into account the extent to which the rendition will be linguistically and culturally acceptable, as well as viable considering the current state-of-affairs on the market.

While it may not seem strictly linguistic, this is a service that relies heavily on creativity and the ability to capture the essence and plant it into a different environment. What I can guarantee is an in-depth analysis of the linguistic potential of a brand allowing the client the widest possible range of options.

Това е езиков анализ на брандове и рекламни послания, а именно: творчески превод от английски на български език в комбинация с анализ на културната съвместимост, възможни асоциации и др.

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A work sample will be available soonRalitsa Karieva - Brand Names & Linguistic Analysis

Looking for an English-Bulgarian translator? This is what I can do for you.

Търсите английско-български преводач? Ето какво мога да направя за вас.